Engagement Strategy: A Career Design Example

How We Engage a Virtual Audience

Members of the consulting team at Evolue Consulting led an initiative to increase social media engagement for the Career Design Center at Utah State University. The initiative focused on creating engaging recommendations for 7 virtual platforms. 

The Problem

Student use of and engagement with the Career Design Center was low. There were three main areas where the center was struggling:

The Approach

Over the course of four months, the team conducted three types of research. They began by creating a five-minute survey that covered topics on demographics, the different usage of social media platforms, the virtual job search platform, and the Career Design Center itself. While the survey was live for three weeks, the team performed two other methods of research. One focused on academic research where they were able to gain insight about the best practices regarding how to utilize social media platforms effectively. The last research method was conducting a focus group. 

Based on the multiple methods of research conducted, the project team created a social media training and came up with actionable recommendations that the Career Design Center can implement. They then analyzed the research content and created a dashboard to display critical information to advise decision making for the center. 

Recommendations: What Can We Learn from This Example?

Based on the results, the following recommendations were given to the Career Design Center. Here we analyze how these recommendations can fit many other organizations as well.